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One wild heart to another...

As a lover of nature and being with the earth, I have come to relish the study of gemstones and the amazing properties they possess. It is my goal to use my growing knowledge as both a creative outlet and a way to help others on their journey.


With sincere gratitude, I hope that these pieces bring you joy, inspiration, and the resilience we all need to pursue our dreams.

Gemstone Properties

Amethyst: neutralizes negativity, highly spiritual


Amazonite: speak honestly from the heart, calming


Agates: confidence & stability, grounding

dZi: protection

Blue Lace: encouragement & support

Fire: courage, passion, steady & vibrant

Moss: abundance, growth, balance

Carnelian: empowering, motivating, endurance


Aventurine: luck, prosperity, leadership

Blue: self discipline, inner strength


Howlite: tranquility, peace, patience. Assists anxiety & depression


Hematite: ultimate grounding, clarity, clears negativity


Jade: wisdom, healing, luck, protection

Lemon: self-esteem, balancing, solar plexus, change

black: protection, self-evaluation


Jasper: calm & soothing, determiniation,, earth connection, nurturing

Dalmatian: break down barriers, move forward

Picture: inner journey, earth, initiative, confidence

Black: protective, finding what is hidden, dreams

Blue (impression): nobility of spirit, courage, defend vulnerable, anti-stress for caretakers


Lapis Lazuli: clarity & compassion, ease, truth & understanding, third-eye & throat chakra


Labradorite: spiritual & psychic awareness, stone of magic & shamans, protection, universal guidance


Lava Stone: energy, security, kundalini energy, root chakra, calm but intense


Moonstone: protection, personal growth, understanding. Intuition & feminine divine energy.


Malachite: protection stone, midwife stone, heals earth energies


Prehnite: stone that heals the healer, protect personal energy, calm & peace, let go


Quartz: most powerful healer, amplifies other stones & energies, crown chakra

Rose: unconditional love & peace

Smoky: grounding & stabalizing, centering


Sodalite: inner peace, live authentically, clear mind, logical thought, ultimate calming


Sunstone: leadership, personal power, joy, self-nurturing, abundance


Black Tourmaline: protection, dispells negativity, shamanic stone for ritual and discovering the root of trouble


Tiger's Eye: grounding, self-discipline, prosperity, integrity, courage


Turquoise: healing, strengthening, solace & well-being. Communication between worlds, dispells negative energy, earth & sky, male & female energies. Wholeness, accepting all good & bad aspects

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